31 people joined us for the TAS Sunday Walk In The Park at AD Barnes on April 3, with blue skies at the start, gray skies at the end, and humidity high.
A total of 37 species were observed, including 11 species of warbler. Many of the warblers were seen in an active feeding flock within 5 minutes of the start of our walk, including numerous Pine, Palm, and Prairie Warblers! Other migrants included a “first of the season” Chimney Swift, some flyover Purple Martins, Magnolia Warbler, and a very early Blackpoll Warbler seen by Brian Rapoza.
Other highlights included excellent looks at several Red-masked Parakeets, obligingly perching on some overhead lines, where the ID points could be well-viewed; we also had a pair of Cooper’s Hawks that allowed for comparison between male and female.
A complete list of species seen can be accessed on eBird at: https://ebird.org/checklist/S106183033
Bill Boeringer