TAS Flamingo Area Birding 12/4/21


Nineteen birders joined Luis Gonzalez on Saturday, 12/4/21 for a TAS birding trip to the Flamingo area in Everglades National Park. The group birded several locations in Flamingo, including the shoreline at the campground’s amphitheater and around Eco Pond and the Flamingo visitor center. Fifty-six birds were encountered there, including Caspian Tern, American White Pelican, Roseate Spoonbill, an adult Bald Eagle, Yellow Warbler and Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

The group later visited Mahogany Hammock, where eighteen species were seen, including two Black-throated Green Warblers. After lunch at the Long Pine Key picnic area and a walk around the pinelands, the group drove to a restoration area along Research Road, where American Wigeon, Wood Stork and an immature Bald Eagle were spotted. The final birding stop was at Lucky Hammock, where Tropical Kingbird and Brown-crested and Scissor-tailed Flycatchers were among the birds seen. A total of seventy-eight species were tallied by trip’s end.

An eBird trip report, including checklists for all stops made is here . Osprey photo by trip leader Luis Gonzalez.