Twenty-two birders joined TAS Field Trip Coordinator Brian Rapoza for this morning’s bird walk at Highland Oaks Park in Aventura. The park was filled with migrant and resident birds. Highlights included Short-tailed Hawk (both light and dark morphs), Least and “Traill’s” Flycatcher, Eastern and Western Kingbird, House Finch, Baltimore and Spot-breasted Oriole, Scarlet Tanager and twelve warbler species including Prothonotary and Tennessee. An eBird checklist for this morning’s walk is here: . Short-tailed Hawk (dark morph) photo by Luis Gonzalez.
Hi! Can I make a suggestion? When you do these very useful recaps of the TAS outings, could you also include a little bit of information about where you went birding, specially, at the particular location? Maybe identify some landmarks? Just in case we’d like to check out the location on our own and don’t want to head off in the wrong direction!!! HA!